Great New Resource for Screed Care

For a while the Screed Doctor was feeling unloved. We had great content for the Screed Scientist and the Underfloor Heating Man. But the guy who can really make a difference when things go wrong did not have any support on this website. Shocking I hear you say. Well, we really could not let that go on for ever.

So drum roll please………
Trumpets also ….
Fanfare ……
No Morris Dancers thank you (who are encouraged to hop on over to the BBC website.)

The Screed Doctor is pleased to announce the launch of the Screed Care section of the Screed Scientist website!

You will find a great resource for “Screed Problems, Common Signs and their Remedies”

Enjoy, we hope this gets you out of jail for all those tricky projects and as the Screed Doctor is to happy to keep on reminding us “Details Matter – a lot!”

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